Novelist and Freelance Writer

Welcome! I'm Califia Montalvo, a fiction and non-fiction writer currently based in Athens, Greece. You can find my novels and short stories online at Amazon Kindle Books, and Radish (the online serial romance platform)  I specialize in creating compelling and engaging fictional content in English. 

I also write factual and interesting feature stories with  content for travel, business or professional publications--Google me!


My published fiction appears in the genres of Romance, Historical Fiction, Mystery / Thriller, Fantasy, Erotica, Sci-Fi, Magic Realism, and Paranormal. My work appeals primarily to a female readership in the Young Adult and New Adult categories of Women's Fiction.

Whether you are interested in compelling cinematic stories for film projects, or to acquire TV, dramatic or print rights to any of my current content, I am open to negotiating  options or subsidiary rights. 

Several of my stories are currently in the works as screenplays.



Author's Bio

Horace Walpole once said, "Life is a comedy to those who think and a tragedy to those who feel." My goal as a writer is to have my words resonate in the hearts of both.

I’m fascinated by the long view of what makes us human--those survival related things we do each day and night, distinguishing us from the beasts of nature, yet keeping us tied to them. Anthropologists say we've been on the Blue Planet for over 4 million years. That's 80,000 lifetimes. And guess how many we've spent in caves? All but the last 200. It explains a lot. That we still carry around "cave thinking.” Things like aggression, hunger, lust and awe. Behaviors we try to justify in our technological world. I‘m charmed we’re such inventors but perplexed why we remain lower than the angels.

I’ve written in a variety of print genre: a historical novel, short stories, poetry, and articles for journals, both travel and academic. Now in digital format writing popular fiction has become my passion. The e-book phenomenon I began with my novel "The Tattooed Princess" and that love has expanded now to twenty-some books. I hope you enjoy them and pass that joy onto others.

The name "Califia" is just one extension of who I am. For those of you who are interested, she was a literary character from a Medieval Spanish romance--created in the 16th century and featured as an "Amazon queen." Califia was supposed to have ruled an island somewhere on the uncharted side of the "terrestrial paradise" (the New World). The early explorers knew her story well and were lustfully attracted to her as a muse. They dreamed of her as they sailed across the seas. And that is why they put her name on the first western maps of the unknown world: "California"--Latin for "Califia's land." It’s the place where I was born, though I presently live in a small Greek town on the Aegean Sea. It's a land I’ve only begun to comprehend, and now home to my muse of writing.

"Montalvo’s story is a plethora of fascinating details regarding the women that were persecuted for their intelligence, their communion with nature, and what others saw as inexplicable knowledge deemed mysterious, even evil, as they used their ability to heal others. I found this novel to be well-written with interesting details that made me glad I did not live in an early time when any woman could be charged with witchcraft. I highly recommend  Wicca Girl."

~K.R. Dowdall, GoodReads

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Radish Fiction


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Commitment to Excellence

 I am dedicated to delivering high-quality writing  tailored to meet the demands of published fiction. With a passion for storytelling and a commitment to excellence, I strive to bring creativity and precision to every story. Whether you are a literary agent, publisher or film producer looking for compelling  content, I have print-ready MSS for your immediate perusal. 

I'm also available for contracted writing to enhance your personal or business presence. If you are looking for creative and focused content, or for help editing your own work, I am here to professionally make your text shine.